

My god, what a week. One thing I'm working on...figuring out things with my partner. In short, ze told me that ze if finding my masculine features more attractive. ...I'm not sure how to react to this.  At the moment, it doesn't really bother me...there isn't really anything I can do about it. Much in the same manner however, ze also said that it was uncomfortable referring to me as a girlfriend. While....I understand that, it isn't easy to hear. It makes sense that ze would have trouble since I'm still transitioning, but hearing that it felt like "pretending" to refer to me as a girlfriend since I'm still transitioning was/is painful.

I don't know, I'm still trying to digest everything.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19.6.10

    That's fucked up. I'd never date someone who straight up told me I was a girl so long as I didn't have a penis. You're a woman, period. That makes you a girlfriend, period. It's not pretend, it's just a fact. If they didn't get that, I'd dump em.
