

Words cannot describe how tired I am of discussing my employment status. It is the subject of a continuous lecture that I'm forced to endure. Basing opinions on my actions solely on perceptions of the affect of what I'm doing. This is akin to guessing what is happening in a room based on the vibrations you feel coming through the wall. The asininity of this boggles my mind. More so, despite pointing this out, it continues.

This strange need to reteach me how to provide for myself also only serves to humiliate and insult me. Simply because my plans doesn't resemble the typical one, does not mean I'm helpless.

This aside, there is hope for me venturing up to Seattle relatively soon. While I can make a go at it out there for marginally more than I normally do, it is still going to require additional finances. This may be provided for me (hopefully) fail this, then It will likely be sometime before I can get up there.

At this point, I am just so tired and sick of discussing the matter that I don't even want to think about it.