
Youtube: Resources & More

I'm not sure If I've spoken about the vast resources and encouragement
on youtube, but here are a few i've been watching. Note that, as with
all popular social networks, there is a huge supply of assholes to
voice their abhorred opinions about anything their feeble minds doesn't comprehend.

That said, onto the goods:

- For some reason I just find her hilarious. She has a pretty good
instruction getting a female voice. The earlier videos are a bit rigid,
but after she loosens up and gets into her groove she kills.

My current favorite of hers is the 10 reasons to date transsexuals...Note that if offends pretty much everyone, but its meant to be taken lightly.

For those wanting a bit more...edge. I love her opinions, and I love
how she isn't afraid to give them to you. I haven't watched to many of
her videos, but she has a good voice lesson also.

But alas, I
did finally register a youtube account, perhaps I will post videos, but
at this point I think my skill is in written words, vs video. My
roommate however does well with video, so perhaps that may turn into


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous15.10.08

    In looking around a little last night, I really liked the films of riftgirlblog...


    She's spirited, and natural. And she's joyful, and funny, considering where she's come from if you watch the video above.

  3. I just ran across this post for them first time today. Thanks for the exposure. I have edge :)
