So a bit of an entry that is across the board:
One a note, I got my graduate application turned in, and should know by early next week. I turned it in to the office in pseudo drag. While it isn't overtly female, the attire is purely from the girly section, and the lady who took my application told me I looked sharp. So, that always helps.
Ordered my graduation invitations to, so that will be nice, now to just figure out what I'm inviting people to lol. I'm still working on the fine details and such.
I also am starting to work on my voice, youtube has some great resources surprisingly, so I will keep you updated on that front.
So, all this is a bit of puffery, the real entry is about my latest romance, and how..I don't think I am going to continue it. It isn't that we aren't compatible, but it messes with my head to much for me to continue, and I'm not canceling the whole endeavor, just...slowing things down, or pausing them.
Perhaps things just got a bit to ..serious to quickly, but I shouldn't feel as uneasy about it as I do.
Of course, now I just have to tell her this...
I told my therapist about it, and how it has made me loose my grounding on my issues, and that so much of who I am is invested in being a transsexual woman, that when I loose track of it, it feels very emptying. That worried her, as it does me.
One a note, I got my graduate application turned in, and should know by early next week. I turned it in to the office in pseudo drag. While it isn't overtly female, the attire is purely from the girly section, and the lady who took my application told me I looked sharp. So, that always helps.
Ordered my graduation invitations to, so that will be nice, now to just figure out what I'm inviting people to lol. I'm still working on the fine details and such.
I also am starting to work on my voice, youtube has some great resources surprisingly, so I will keep you updated on that front.
So, all this is a bit of puffery, the real entry is about my latest romance, and how..I don't think I am going to continue it. It isn't that we aren't compatible, but it messes with my head to much for me to continue, and I'm not canceling the whole endeavor, just...slowing things down, or pausing them.
Perhaps things just got a bit to ..serious to quickly, but I shouldn't feel as uneasy about it as I do.
Of course, now I just have to tell her this...
I told my therapist about it, and how it has made me loose my grounding on my issues, and that so much of who I am is invested in being a transsexual woman, that when I loose track of it, it feels very emptying. That worried her, as it does me.
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