
Obviously obvious.

I'm writing unusually early this time to try and get some of this out of me, and into some other form. Since my last entry it was decided (apparently) that talking between us (my ex) was a bad idea. I understand this, as it helps create distance and makes things easier (supposedly). It doesn't help me from missing my best friend however.

I find myself wondering what the point is. I know, this is not shocking news. However, it just seems that all of the relationships I have with my exs are the same. After the breakup we put so much distance between us that we become merely acquaintances, and not friends. Sure I'm on speaking terms with them, but I don't see them often, or talk to them regularly. They are simply there, in a neutral, indifferent, apathetic, meaningless limbo between being a friend, and being an acquaintance that I would easily delete off my facebook if it wasn't for the fact that we dated. If it wasn't for sentimentality, or distance hopes of redating, I'm not sure why I would ever bother. With the exception of one (the first), I can't readily call them my friends.

SO, given the grim prospects of how things will become, what is the point of distancing ourselves so we can remain friends. It won't be like it was, and it can't be how I'd like it to be.

I miss being happy.

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